Adult Braces
Some adults never received orthodontic treatment as children to correct problems such as crooked or crowded teeth, overbites and underbites, incorrect jaw position or jaw joint disorders. Left untreated, these problems may result in tooth decay, gum disease, headaches and earaches, as well as speaking, biting or chewing problems.
Thinking about getting braces? These days,… (READ MORE)
Interceptive Braces
Interceptive orthodontics is the practice of extracting the deciduous dentition in an attempt to avoid an adult malocclusion. That’s pretty technical. Here’s what that really means ….if the area for the teeth to grow is smaller than required for a full normal set of teeth, we simply put in a brace to slowly expand the mouth so all the teeth will fit. If this correction isn’t made, the teeth will be out of place, often with one tooth behind another one.
If correction is needed it needs start around… (READ MORE)
Teen Braces
It’s not surprising that many teenagers wear braces. Braces correct dental problems that occur, including teeth that protrude or are crooked, teeth that overlap and crowd each other, as well as teeth that have gaps between them. Also, some children need braces to align and correct their bite.
Children and teens know that they will enhance their appearance in the long run and parents know that they are actually making… (READ MORE)